Maybe the name of the hat is a work in progress. Maybe not...
Yarn- Worsted weight
Needles- US4 for ribbing US8 for rest of hat circulars or dpns
Gauge- 4 sts per inch on larger needle
This is a loosey goosey recipe you can pick out your own colours and stripe pattern etc
Cast on 84 stitches
Put a marker at beginning of round. Making sure your stitches aren't twisted. k2P2 around
Continue around for desired length of ribbing
Switch to larger needles
Knit round and round until piece measures 7 inches from cast on edge
Decrease round - K12, k2tog around 6 times (place a removeable marker somewhere to note decrease round for measuring ease)
Knit round 2 inches
Decrease round - K11, k2tog around 6 times (place marker somewhere)
Knit round 2.25 inches
Decrease round - K10, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 2.25 inches
Decrease round - K9, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 2.25 inches
Decrease round - K8, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 2.25 inches
Decrease round - K7, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 2 inches
Decrease round - K6, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 16.5 inches This is where you can add or decrease the length of your SCAT
Decrease round - K5, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 1 inch
Decrease round - K4, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 1.5 inch
Decrease round - K3, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round 1.25 inch
Decrease round - K2, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round .75 inch
Decrease round - K1, k2tog around 6 times (pm)
Knit round .5 inch
Decrease round - K2tog around 6 times
Cut yarn and weave ends through stitches on needles. Weave in all ends. Make a pom pom!
A collection of some of the things that I have knit that I thought I would share with the world. Not necessarily full patterns but a good recipe to help you make your own fantastic creations! I will add in notes on different ways that the pattern could be altered for your own tastes. PLEASE feel free to ask any questions that you might have I am here to help!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Monday, January 7, 2019
Mountain Pattern
Yarn- worsted weightNeedles- 4US and 7US circulars or dpns
Gauge- 4.5 stitches per inch
Size- Average
FIRST NOTE-- Here is where depending on yarn weight/head size you can adjust stitches to make it work. Just increase or decrease stitches in sets of 4 (for ribbing) if you want to get extra fancy add or subtract stitches by sets of 4 and 6 (for decreases later on)
On smaller needles cast on 96 stitches
Join in round making sure not to twist stitches
k1 *p2, k2* repeating these 4 stitches until 1 stitch left k1
Continue in pattern for 1.5 inches
Switch to larger needles
For the most basic of mountain hats I divided my 96 stitches by 4 giving me 24 stitches per peak. Here is when you decide what size of peaks you want. The decreases are formed out of the knit columns
Decrease round-*SSK, follow in rib pattern for 20 stitches, k2tog* repeat 3 times
Increase round- *m1R, k1, follow in rib pattern for 20 stitches, k1, m1L* repeat 3 times
Ok so that's the whole idea of the pattern. One round of decreases and the next follow with increases
If you have chosen to do different sizes of peaks just read your knitting as you go basically just turning the rest of the hat stockinette that is not in the ribbed mountain peaks. Look at all the pictures and it should all make sense

Increase round- *k1, SSK, follow in rib pattern until 1 stitch before your last mountain edge, k2tog, k1* repeat 3 times
Decrease round- *k1, m1R, follow in rib pattern knitting the the last stitch of the mountain ridge, m1L* repeat 3 times
Are you getting the idea of it? Each round the ridge line shifts over until the connect and then it is all stockinette from there!
Basically you just continue around and around and when you have 2 stitches left of the peaks you k2tog of each. For the increase round you kfb of each mountain peak bringing you back to 96 stitches.
This will for 4 ribbed mountain peaks
To get the smaller peaks like in the photo below you chose when you want your ridge to start and when you are on a decrease round you just start another mountain by ssk and k2tog on either side of the peaks. Look at photos and they should make it more clear
Just remember on you increase rounds to increase on either side of those new ridges.
The next few photos show a couple different variations I have done
So after your peaks are all done you are just knitting round and round until the hat is as fitted or slouchy as you like it. I knit mine for 7 inches from bottom of ribbing
I usually always use a number of stitches divisible by 6 for my decreases. I find it just looks best. But you do you. Especially if you have adjusted your stitch count
My decrease formula is basically
- k14, k2tog* repeated 5 more times
- plain knit round
- *k13, k2tog* repeat til marker
- plain round
Continue doing your decrease round and one knit round until there is 7 stitches between decreases. This is usually where i start decreasing every round until 6 stitches left
Making sure to switch to dpns or longer cord for magic loop
Cut yarn and weave through 6 stitches and tie it off
OK folks I know this is a little vague but I promise it all makes sense once you start going
Please contact me on instagram I am garrry___ or garrry on ravelry for help!!
Monday, January 16, 2017
Slantways... The Mittening
***Link to Ravelry Pattern Page***
Yarn- I used Malabrigo Mecha which is classified as a bulky weight yarn. I used it more as an aran weight I think. One whole skein used 130yards
Needles- US6 and US8 circular needles or DPNS
Gauge- 4.5 stitches per inch on larger needles
Size- Women's medium
- Cast on 32sts on smaller needles (I put 16 stitches on each needle while using the magic loop method)
- K2p2 for 2.5 inches making sure to not twist edge when joining to knit in round
Switch to larger needles
-Knit one round
-Knit 1, m1L, knit 7, m1R, knit 7, m1R, knit 1(needle 1)
(needle 2) Knit 1, m1L, knit 14, m1R, knit 1
-Knit round
-Knit 1, ssk, knit 6, m1R, knit 1, m1L, knit6, k2tog, knit 1 (needle 1)
(needle 2) knit rest of round
-Knit round
-Knit 1, ssk, knit 6, m1R, knit 1, m1L, knit6, k2tog, knit 1 (needle 1)
(needle 2) knit rest of round
-Knit round
-Knit 1, ssk, knit 6, m1R, knit 1, m1L, knit6, k2tog, knit 1 (needle 1)
(needle 2) knit 2, pm (start thumb) m1L, knit1, M1R, pm, knit rest of round
-Continue doing Slantways pattern (inc/dec round followed by 1 knit round) and thumb increases until you have 11 thumb stitches total between the markers on the inc/dec round
-Knit round
-Inc/dec round removing thumb stitches and putting them on a holder, cast on 1 stitch continue knitting round
-Continue in pattern until piece measures 9 inches finishing on a knit round
-K1, sssk, k5, m1R, k1, m1L, k5, k3tog, k2, ssk, k12, k2tog, k1
-Knit round
-K1, sssk, k4, m1R, k1, m1L, k4, k3tog, k2, ssk, k10, k2tog, k1
-K1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k2, ssk, k8, k2tog, k1
-K1, sssk, k2, m1R, k1, m1L, k2, k3tog, k2, ssk, k6, k2tog, k1
-K1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k2, ssk, k4, k2tog, k1
-K1, sssk, k1, k3tog, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2tog, k1 (10sts remain)
Kitchener st up
Repeat a second time changing the thumb placement to 3 sts from left side of second needle m1L, k1, m1R, knit 2 sts
-Pick up 11 sts
-Knit 1 round picking up 1 stitch at end of round
-Knit 14 rounds
-K1, k2tog around
-K2tog around
-Cut yarn and pull through remaining stitches
weave in ends
Monday, December 26, 2016
Sweet Baby Angle
***Link to Ravelry Pattern Page***
US 4 circulars/ dpns
US 7 circulars/ dpns I switched to a long cord for magic loop when necessary
Worsted Weight
- Cast on 96 stitches
- Put marker and make sure stitches aren't twisted
- Knit 2, Purl 2 around until marker
- Continue for 1 inch
- Switch to larger needles
- Knit 2 Purl 2 for 24 stitches, put marker, knit around until marker
- * M1R, SSK, continue in ribbing pattern until marker, knit round
- (you will now be knitting the stitches to the right of the SSKs) Continue in ribbing pattern until marker, knit round *
- Continue the last 2 rounds from * to * (the M1R, SSKs will be moving one stitch over to the left every second round) until you SSK the last stitch before the marker, remove marker
- Knit every stitch round until hat measures desired length (mine was 7.5 inches)
- Begin decrease rounds Knit 14, K2tog around until marker
- Knit round
- Knit 13, K2tog around until marker
- Knit round
- Continue decreasing every second round until K7, K2tog around and then decrease every round until you K2tog around leaving 6 stitches
- Cut yarn and pull through final 6 stitches
Thursday, October 17, 2013
*** Ravelry Project Page ***
- I used a little over 1 ball of Noro Kureyon for the pair (110 yards per ball)
So you will need at least that much of a worsted weight yarn for you main colour (MC)
--- For the pair with the ribbing in accent colour (AC) you will need only 1 ball of the Noro (or other worsted weight yarn) and another colour for the AC (unsure on yardage but not a lot)
I used Patons Classic Wool Merino
- 4us DPNs and 7us DPNs
- Stitch markers
Terms used in pattern
- DPNs -- double pointed needles
- Should have general knowledge about the increases m1L./ m1R as well as the decreases ssk/k2tog
- pm -- place marker
- slm -- slip marker
- k2p2 -- knit 2 purl 2 ribbing
- Using smaller needles cast on 36 sts with the MC (If doing the alternate version use the AC)
I set up my DPNs 9 stitches 18 stitches 9 stitches
- k2p2 ribbing for 7 rounds
Switch to larger needles (Switch to MC if you had been knitting first with the AC)
- Knit 18 stitches, place marker, m1R, place marker, knit 18 stitches
- Knit 1 round
- ** Knit 9, ssk, knit 7, m1R, slm, knit 1, slm, m1L, knit 7, k2tog, knit 9
- Knit 1 round **
- Repeat from ** to ** 15 more times
For the left hand
Starting the thumb
- Knit 6, pm, m1R, pm, knit 3, * ssk, knit 7, m1R, slm, knit 1, slm, m1L, knit 7, k2tog, knit 9 *
- Knit 1 round
- Knit 6, slm, m1L, knit 1, m1R, slm, knit 3, continue from * to *
- Knit 1 round
- Knit 6, slm, m1L, knit 3, m1R, slm, knit 3, continue from * to *
- Knit 1 round
- Continue increasing for the thumb in between the markers until there are 13 stitches, also continuing from * to * for the rest of the round
- Knit 1 round
- Knit 6 stitches, remove marker, slip 13 stitches onto scrap yarn, remove marker, knit 3, continue from * to *
- Knit 1 round
- Continue to follow pattern from ** to ** 2 more times (If you are following the pattern for the ribbing in AC then knit this last plain knit round in the AC so the ribbing looks better)
Switch to smaller needles
- k2p2 ribbing for 5 rounds
- Cast off loosely
For the right hand
Starting the thumb
- *Knit 9, ssk, knit 7, m1R, slm, knit 1, slm, m1L, knit 7, k2tog, * knit 3, pm, m1R, pm, knit 6
- Knit 1 round
- Continue from * to * knit 3, slm, m1L, knit 1, m1R, slm, knit 6
- Knit 1 round
- Continue from * to * knit 3, slm, m1L, knit 3, m1R, slm, knit 6
- Knit 1 round
- Continue increasing for the thumb in between the markers until there are 13 stitches, also continuing from
* to * as you go round
- Knit 1 round
- Knit 6 stitches, remove marker, slip 13 stitches onto scrap yarn, remove marker, knit 3, continue from
* to *
- Knit 1 round
- Continue to follow pattern from ** to ** 2 more times (If you are following the pattern for the ribbing in AC then knit this last plain knit round in the AC so the ribbing looks better)
Switch to smaller needles
- k2p2 ribbing for 5 rounds
- Cast off loosely
For both thumbs
- Pick up 13 stitches on larger needles and knit until 2 stitches from end of round k2tog (If you are following the pattern for the ribbing in AC then knit this knit round in the AC so the ribbing looks better)
- Switch to smaller needles and k2p2 ribbing for 4 rounds
- Cast off loosely
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Bunny Ears
**Ravelry Pattern Page**
-Worsted weight yarn in desired rabbit colors. (I used Patons Canadiana)
-Double pointed needles in size 4US
-Yarn needle to sew up ears!
Outer ear-- Using 1 of your bunny colors
-cast on 32 sts (8sts on first,16sts on second, 8sts on third needle )
-join in round careful not to twist and knit 40 rounds
-knit 6 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 12sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 6 sts
-knit 3 rounds
-knit 5 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 10sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 5 sts
-knit 3 rounds
-knit 4 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 8sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 4 sts
-knit 2 rounds
-continue the decrease rounds until 4 sts left on needles total. Cut yarn and weave through sts.
-bring yarn to inside of ear and tie off. No need to weave in because you are going to sew up the ear later
--Outer ear is done! Now do it again!
Inner Ear (new yarn color)
-cast on 12 sts (I just used 2 dpns knitting this portion flat)
-knit/purl for 35 rows
-ssk, knit 8, k2tog
-knit 2 rows
-ssk, knit 6, k2tog
-knit 2 rows
-ssk, knit 4, k2tog
-knit 1 row
-ssk, knit 2, k2tog
-knit 1 row
-ssk, k2tog
-cast off
--Inner ear is done! Now do it again!
-Take the inner ear and lay it on the outer ear matching up the bottom rows. Sew in place using the yarn tails from the knitting of the inner ear.
-Do it again!
--Now attach to your toque, beenie, hat, headband, whatever!
Fox Ears
-Worsted weight yarn in desired fox colors. Orange, black and white (I used Patons Canadiana)
-Double pointed needles in size 4US
-Yarn needle to sew up ear!
Outer Ear-- using the orange yarn
-cast on 32 sts (8sts first needle, 16sts second needle, 8sts third needle)
-knit for 20 rounds
-knit 6sts, k2tog, ssk, knit12 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 6 sts
-change to black yarn and knit 3 rounds
-knit 5sts, k2tog, ssk, knit10 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 5 sts
-knit 1 round
-knit 4sts, k2tog, ssk, knit8 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 4 sts
-knit 1 round
-knit 3sts, k2tog, ssk, knit6 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 3 sts
-knit 1 round
-knit 2sts, k2tog, ssk, knit4 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 2 sts
-knit 1st, k2tog, ssk, knit2 sts, k2tog, ssk, knit 1 st
-k2tog, ssk, k2tog, ssk
--kind of a finicky next 2 rounds but decrease until 1 stitch left to pull yarn through and thread yarn to inside of ear and tie off. No need to weave in end since ear will be sewn shut!
---outside of ear done! Now make a second one!!
White Inside of Ear
-Cast on 11 sts (I just used 2 dpns for this, knit flat)
-Knit/purl for 18 rows
-ssk, knit across until 2 sts from end, k2tog
-purl row
-ssk, knit across until 2 sts from end, k2tog
-Purl row
-ssk, knit across until 2 sts from end, k2tog
--keep repeating the decreases until all sts are decreased and end pulled through last stitch
---Done! Now make another one!
Take the white part and lay it on the outer ear part so the ends meet up on the bottom. Using the yarn ends from the white inner ear sew the white part onto the outer ear part (with the flat knit side out)
--- Do it again for the second ear!
Now attach to your toque, hat, beenie, head band, WHATEVER!
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